Friday, September 30, 2005

Rich browser applications: email example

Although browsers have supported javascript for years, it's only recently (in the last year or so) that powerful/rich applications have become readilyavailable.

This screencast describes Zimbra, an open source rich browser based email client. It's worth looking at, not least to see how it compares to the OU First Class conferencing system. It would be even more interesting if the folks at FirstClass took a look at the AJAX client...

If you're interested in how traditional email clients may be extended with a tasteful, added value pop-up windowsd, watch the screencast...
If you're interested in how a screencast can be used to communicate an overview of how to use an application, watch the screencast.
If you're interested in the sorts of things you can do in a modern browser, watch the screencast.
If you have too much time on your hands ;-), watch the screencast...

For technical info, there's a couple of white papers, one about the system architecture and one about the AJAX Toolkit underpinning it all.


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