Tuesday, February 08, 2005

URL hacking

Sometimes its the only way...you know the info's there somehwere, but the onscreen site navigation is lacking...so what can you do but attack the address line directly?

If the site is organised in a sensible way, you can often get quite a long way just by making up a sensible path... take UK universiies for example. Sometimes the easiest way of finding a person (if you know their department) is to look up the department's homepage and stick people/ on the end. for example, the York computer science departmental website lives at http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/, so i reckon http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/people/ is a good bet for the staff listing...

So what does a quick Google trawl of url hacking turn-up? Hacking the URL: Do-It-Yourself Navigation Library hacks which naturally leads to the yet to flourish Library-hacks Wiki

This one I knew about from xml.com: Hacking the Library, which mentions a British Library experimental webservice, but doesn't yet give the location of it... If you're intereste, the address just happens to be http://herbie.bl.uk:9080/


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